
Order and information

Tel.: +420 777 57 11 64

Billing information:
Jan Janega
Jižní 350
Stráž pod Ralskem
471 27

IČO: 74975471
DIČ: CZ8405290421

Bank account
ČR:  2901168483 / 2010 /Fio Banka/
SK:  2200158039 / 8330 /Fio Banka/

Delivery information:
Jan Janega
/vjezd z ulice Staroměstská/
Karolíny Světlé 94
Jablonné v Podještědí
471 25

The correspondence address is intended for complaints, returns of goods and all other correspondence.

Personal collection is possible at the dispensing points of the Zásilkovna system.